Historic District
Radnor-Winston was named to the National Register of Historic Places, as of May 13, 2003, when the Governor's Consulting Committee approved Radnor-Winston's nomination.
This approval means that properties within the historic district are eligible for a tax credits on rehabilitations over $5,000. This can include interior and exterior renovations. The state tax credit is designed to help preserve historic properties and revitalize older neighborhoods. More information on the homeowner tax credit at the Maryland Historical Trust.
We were named to the register because our neighborhood has a large number of intact houses (bungalows, cottages, American Foursquares, etc) built in the architectural style of the arts and crafts movement of the late 19th and early 20th century. If you'd like a quickie history of the arts and craft movement and the rise of bungalow architecture, go to The Bungalow Company.
Streets in the Historic District
The Governor's Consulting Committee limited our application to those areas with homes built before about 1927.
These streets are in the historic district: Winston, Rossiter, Radnor, Whiteford, Woodford, Crowson (except the west side of the 4800 block), 5100 block of Norwood and the 400 block of Charter Oak.
These streets are not in the historic district: Underwood, 300 block of Charter Oak and the west side of the 4800 block of Crowson.
More Information
The best place is to go to the Maryland Historical Trust web site. This site has application forms and directions about how to qualify for tax credits for rehabbing historic properties. There is no restriction about what you can do with your house, but if you want the tax credit, there are some standards you must meet.