Our Latest Newsletter

Winter 2025

Dear Neighbors,

It’s been over a year since we’ve published an issue, so we thought we’d look back at all the wonderful happenings of 2024.

As you read through this newsletter, keep in mind that all of this is made possible by our member dues. Please remember to pay your 2025 dues.

We’d also like to acknowledge our longtime Radnor Winston Improvement Association (RWIA) president, Dan Pontious. He has recently stepped down after nearly six years of leading the RWIA because he was elected president of the York Road Partnership (YRP). Thank you, Dan, for all of your organizing and hard work to help improve our neighborhood. We’re happy you’re still representing us through YRP.

We are still looking for our next president and for a block captain for Charter Oak, so please be in touch if you are interested in getting involved. Additionally, if you have an idea for an event or a way to make the neighborhood better, please reach out to anyone on the board – all board members are listed on page 4 of this newsletter. Thank you all for making Radnor-Winston a truly lovely place to live.

Your Radnor-Winston Improvement Association Board (RWIA)

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